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Vengo de la demo day(Con el que comentasteis el tema del ranking al final de todo). He conseguido el coliseum en 1.40. Increíble el progreso. Y todos los niveles super bien ambientados y montados. Un único bug he encontrado. En tunnel, en la ultima parte, he muerto y el timer se me ha reseteado 

¡Buenas, Aitor!

Muchas gracias por compartir tu progreso con nosotros.

No sabes la ilusión que nos da ver a gente como tú compartiendo sus tiempos y intentando batir nuestros récords! 😊

Gracias también por el feedback sobre los errores que has encontrado. Cualquier crítica o mejora que podamos implementar es más que bienvenida!

I finished in 10 minutes 30 seconds, had a lot of fun. Coming across the super dash exploit certainly triggered the speedrunner in me. The game felt built for players such as me, rewarding timing, memory and muscle memory by finishing with mere seconds less than the last attempt.

Had I to voice what I crave for this game, I'd say that having the option to remove the camera shake entirely would be most welcomed. In addition, something along the lines of inertia or some kind of speedy reward after defeating an enemy that needn't to be killed could be appropriate.

Great job!

Thanks for your reply gega01! We're glad to hear you enjoyed playing our game!

We will keep in mind your feedback as we update the game further.

Great game! I loved the boss!

I really liked the attack moveset - the idea of sequencing perfect timing attacks, it feels very cohesive with the game's core and identity.
I would love to see it being explored further, all while promoting the usage of the complete moveset.
Keep it up!